Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weeding in the Park

This morning the power was out for a couple of hours (a long night of heavy thunderstorms). Manuel took the opportunity to take the students to the town square to do some weeding. I have stopped occassionally to do some so knew of the need. The students were, actually, excited about going and had a good time. Fortunately, the local TV channel was around and they took some shots and interviewed Manuel. Evidently the concept of students coming and doing work like this is a new one. Hurrah for our school.

Priority One - Group Picture Priority Two - Weeding

I spent the morning pursuing some paperwork in conjunction with some land. The frustration of trying to get a clear, step-by-step set of instructions is sometimes overwhelming. I think we made progress. How in the world poor people without the ability to read, the resources to go to different centres and so forth are supposed to accomplish anything is beyond me.

See ... there were some weeds pulled. The yellow flower is edible and the plant is good for animals (and I suspect people) and fixes nitrogen.

Once again, the pictures will do the rest.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

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