Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Registration Day

This morning was awash with people. Parents and hopeful students waited outside for a chance to register and study with us. At 9.00 I picked up 14 people from Yajoa and brought them to see the facility and learn about the program.
In between, I went to the bank and talked to Henri about water filters and hay baskets. And it still isn't noon. It was amazing to see the people wanting the opportunity to study. It was frustrating because we don't have computers to help them with and it is likely a big stretch to see them get organized to buy their own.
I don't have much else to talk about but wanted to post a few pictures of the people waiting.
Full Classrooms each morning

Yeni goes over the process with parents

Edel talking to the Yajoa contingent

Waiting parents - for a chance to record the details in the computers

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