Friday, December 2, 2011

Manuel Tries the Cooking Box

Just an update from yesterday. Manuel took one of the boxes we made home last night and tried with spaghetti and vegetables. The pot was too big for the box so the top part of the cooker was replaced with towels. Still, it worked wonderfully. It saved over 50% of the cooking with fuel time. When you buy gas to cook with, that is significant.

Wrapped Up and Cooking

Graciella, Manuel's Wife


Testing  - Gabriella

Yesterday afternoon, I packed up my laptop and the bucket and found a seamstress to sew me some pillows and packing rings for the bucket cooker. Between pictures on my computer and my fumbling Spanish the point was made. One of the amazing things about this concept is that, so far, everyone who sees it grasps the idea and, even better, begins to verbalize how they can use it, expand upon it and so forth. I have had very few ideas where the value of the project was so quickly grasped. Let us see if it continues.


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