Monday, May 16, 2011

Fresh Chicken Dinner

Today, Edel and I went to a nearby village, San Antonio. We took the long cut but, in the end, after stopping and asking where the village was (truly, we had actually checked beforehand but were given the wrong distances) we arrived. It was a beautiful drive and only a few kilometres so an enjoyable extra few minutes.

Edel and Jessica going over the new program
We were installing the Education Program in a computer that two of our students had acquired. I worked on “To Do” lists and ideas to think about drawings while Edel did the installation.

Several minutes after we started, I noticed one of the smaller girls out running about. A few minutes later she called to her grandmother and stood holding a chicken over the fence. The grandmother brought it over to show us and check whether it would be suitable for dinner. We agreed and off it went to the kitchen for last rites.

An hour later, just as Edel finished the installation, two bowls with fresh chicken, rice and potatoes appeared on the table. I chose the dish with the gizzard (my favourite and ... from African days, the part always given to the eldest guest) and gave Edel the wing. There was a dish of freshly made (still too hot for my fingers) tortillas as well.  The students’ computer was loaded with country and western music so we enjoyed hearing about something or other in Texas and Alabama as we ate.

The soccer field next to the house has just been levelled and, consequently, the house is going to be in danger of losing the front yard from erosion. We talked about where and how to plant vetiver grass to prevent the problem. I do hope they actually follow through.

With the right road in front of us, the trip back to Santa Cruz was much faster although not nearly as scenic.


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